Vahetult enne sõja- ja katastroofimeditsiini konverentsi leiab 30. novembril Kaitseväe Akadeemias aset ka 29. Multinational Military Medical Exchange seminar kaitseväelastele ja partnerasutuste töötajatele (kutsetega).
The 15th annual War and Disaster Medicine Conference together with 29th Multinational Military Medical Exchange will take place in Tartu from 30th of November to 2nd of December.
The 29th Multinational Military Medical Exchange (military and governmental participants only) will take place on the 30th of NOV at the Estonian Military Academy.
The 15th annual War and Disaster Medicine Conference at the Estonian National Museum on 01-02 DEC 2022. The conference will take place in a hybrid format – one can listen and participate virtually. In addition, during the conference workshops and an exhibition will be open.